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Cinnamon Bacue

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Endings Always Bring New Beginnings


            Two and a half school years has led to the culmination of the school library media specialist endorsement on my license.  Okay, officially it will happen once I graduate in December and take the Praxis exam a few weeks later, but this course and conclusion of my practicum hours marks a humongous milestone for […]

Mirrors and Windows


                Everyone knows what it is like to feel other.  Gender identification, skin color, and financial status make no difference in how people can feel in any given situation or stage of life.  Why then, are students assigned to read literature from predominately old white men, asks my mentor librarian. Equity in classroom reading assignments […]

Elementary might not be the place for me…


            I recently spent several hours in another elementary library.  What I experienced was vastly different than my first visit a few weeks ago in Ohio.              The Librarian taught 3 classes in the 5 hours I was there – Kindergarten, first, and second grades.  She had a prepared lesson about bats, including a story, […]

Elementary Librarian or Library Manager?


An elementary library can be an exciting place to be!  And the librarians working there have the opportunity to help instill the love of reading into young minds, collaborate with teachers, teach lessons, read books aloud, and help students find the perfect book for that week.  But what happens when you are in charge of […]

Should School Librarians Influence Curriculum Decisions?


                I had an interesting discussion during my observation in Oak Ridge.  The librarian is very concerned that the English 12 classes are studying British Literature, as they have for the past several decades.  She is actively talking to ELA teachers and admin trying to convince them to do away with British Literature as a […]

Genrefication – Dewey or Don’t We?


          Let me tell you about the high school library I am fortunate to be interning in this semester.  It is big.  Seriously, this could be the largest school library I have seen in my career.  It spans two VERY large rooms/sections, and has an office area, back room for storage and small group work, […]

Jumping into the Experience


Hello, I am Cinnamon Bacue, and I teach HS ELA (juniors) and AP Language and Composition at Tennessee Connections Academy, an entirely virtual school.   I am in my 24th year as an educator and 16 of those years were spent in Bowling Green, Ohio, where I was able to have a wonderful library/classroom collaboration on […]

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